Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language Module

Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language Module is an independent university module which, if successfully completed, leads to a diploma supplement. The module includes attending the Semester Course of the Croatian Language and Culture and elective Croatian language and culture courses  over two consecutive semesters. The minimum number of ECTS credits necessary to complete the full module and receive a diploma supplement is 60. Students who earn less than 60 ECTS credits (e.g. students who complete only one semester or students who complete only the Semester Course of the Croatian Language and Culture but not the elective courses) obtain a certificate with grades and ECTS credits earned. More detailed information about Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language Module is available here.

Students and fees

Students participating in academic mobility programmes who attend undergraduate and graduate study programmes at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb may enrol in the module free of charge. Other students (foreign citizens who wish to study at an institution of higher education in Croatia, international students who study at other faculties of the University of Zagreb or other universities in Croatia and wish to improve their language competencies, and members of the Croatian diaspora, national minorities in Croatia, asylum holders and persons with subsidiary protection in Croatia, business people, foreign diplomats, etc.) may enrol in the Croatian as a Second and Foreign Language Module at the price of the Semester Course of the Croatian Language and Culture. Information on fees is available here.